Opening the World

inlingua Köln

What motivates you?

inlingua company service

Customized training for companies.

Translations and interpreter service

We are your professional service provider for everything concerning translations.

Test your language skills for free.

What is already there and what leaves room for improvement?
With our free online placement test you will receive your very own feedback.

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Language courses at inlingua Köln

More authentic

With inlingua you will learn languages through speaking. With our native-speaking trainers you will have a guaranteed real-life language experience.

More systematic

With the inlingua method you will approach your target language step by step. Regular exercises and tests show you exactly where you stand.


inlingua means language success in a short time. With us you don’t need to study vocabulary first but will actually learn to speak fluently from day one.

More fun

Learning with inlingua is easier because your trainer will provide motivation and fun along the way.

Individual Support

Your individual guidance counselor

Our guidance counselors are there for you; from the first contact until you reach your goal. They determine your educational demand, individualize your schedule depending on your needs and oversee your progress.

Your individual language trainer

Not only are our language trainers didactically trained, they are also, without exception, all native speakers and will bring you their mother tongue with heart and soul.

We Value your Opinion

Being an international company, foreign languages make up a big part of our company culture. With inlingua we have found a strong and reliable partner who helps us train our employees on a language level.

Isabelle Bartsch
Head of Training and Development

We value the quality of inlingua’s language training and keep in close contact with their center in Singen – all steps, from planning to realization and evaluation of the courses are professionally supported.

Helmut Arndt
Head of Human Resources

I want to thank inlingua because with their help I was able to make my international career from commercial foreign language correspondent to executive assistant and now self-employed entrepreneur.

Sandra Brumm 

inlingua, that’s more than 300 Language Schools in 34 Countries.

Interested? Get in touch!

Your Contact: Dominic Beckers-Schwarz

Telefon: 0221 257579-0