Learning languages at inlingua Köln
Whether English for your job, French for love or Spanish for your next holiday - with a foreign language you not only expand your horizons, but also learn how to be confident in the corresponding cultural circle. At inlingua Köln you not only learn to speak, but also acquire intercultural competence. Your native speaker trainer will support you in this.
Learn your dream language easily! Step by step and in a relaxed atmosphere. Talk to us!
inlingua service for companies
Conference call from London? Sales meeting with Spanish partners? No problem! With the inlingua service for companies, your employees learn to cope with foreign language situations confidently and effortlessly.
Find out more now.
Recognised examination centre for telc, TOEIC/TFI and TOEFL ITP
inlingua Cologne is a licensed examination centre for telc, TOEFL and TOEIC examinations. So either take your examination with us immediately or after one of our language courses and be fully prepared! Once you have reached a suitable level you can also take an inlingua examination and receive formal certification of your current language skills.
We are here for you.
You still have questions or you would like to be advised? Get to know us personally and make an appointment or give us a call at 0221 2575790.